Welcome Back to my blog!!!

Hello everyone, it’s been a while that I have written on my blog. So much has been happening in my life. God is simply amazing, faithful to ALL of His promises. I want to encourage you to take hold of the Word of God like never before. The time and season which we live in demand that every child of God re-examine his or her standing with the Lord Jesus.

You must be committed to TRUTH, without compromise. The spirit of deception is operating at a higher rate like we have not seen before. As the saints of God gathered yesterday to pray over the prayer line, the Lord revealed to me to caution His people against this wicked spirit. What alarmed me the most was how it is presenting itself. I saw a bright light but underneath was pitch darkness. In this hour, we must get into studying and meditating on the word of God. We must make prayer and fasting a lifestyle, and guide our relationship with the Lord jealously inorder to be able to discern the spirit of deceiption. Take a stand for TRUTH, no matter the cost.

The book of Jeremiah 9: 6 says, “You live in the midst of deception; in their deceit they refuse to acknowledge me,” declares the LORD.

May you not fall victim of deception in Jesus name. Amen

3 thoughts on “Welcome Back to my blog!!!

  1. I truly believe this, it’s what I have been feeling for a while. I couldn’t quite understand what I was seeing, and was a bit confused but, I know that God is not the author of confusion. Wow,, confirmation.

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